Resources to self learn electronics

Learning Electronics can seem to be a tedious process. Truth is electronics indeed has a steep learning curve. But it is a rewarding process. If you are looking to learn electronics, design and build circuits, We have compiled a list of best resources that can help with your learning.

Basics of Electronics:

  1. BasicsVoltage, Current and Resistance.
  2. ResistorLearn what Resistors are and how to use them in circuits.
  3. CapacitorLearn what Capacitors are and how to use them in circuits.
  4. InductorLearn what Inductors are and how to use them in circuits.
  5. DiodeLearn about Diodes & how to use Diodes in circuits
  6. Switch – Learn about Switches & Types of Switches
  7. RelayLearn about Relay and its working

Download Electronics Mini Dictionary which has about 500+ most used terms in Electronics with simplified definitions.

Electronics Mini Dictionary
Electronics Mini Dictionary
Version: 1
360.8 KB


  1. PhotodiodeLearn about Photodiodes and how to use them in circuits.
  2. TransistorWorking principle of transistors.
  3. FETFET working principle and types & FET circuits
  4. MOSFETMOSFET working principle, its types &  MOSFET circuits.
  5. MotorsDC motors, Stepper motors & Servo motors .

230+ practical circuits to learn and build, Browse Electronic circuits library.


  1. FiltersLearn about Filters, its types and how to use in circuits.
  2. OscillatorsLearn about Oscillators, its types and how to use in circuits.
  3. Operational AmplifierLearn about Operational Amplifiers and how to use in circuits.

We will update this page with more learning resources soon.




  1. Madhusudhan Y V

    Thanks a lot Sir ,indeed I am learning electronics in true sense from your channel only, really thanking you from core of my Heart

  2. Saeed

    Need to luran

  3. Daniel

    Nice +


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