Interesting projects, conceptual tutorials and programming using AVR microcontrollers using embedded C language with code, description and schematic diagrams
LCD interfaced with Atmega32 microcontroller LCD’s are quite familiar module when comes interfacing with microcontrollers. We can find these display modules in plenty of instances where a specific info is need to be displayed for the viewers. This article… Read more
LCD modules are widely used to display calculated data’s, user references and much more. In addition all character based LCD which uses HD44780 controller consists of a special RAM known as CGRAM which allows user to create custom patterns. This… Read more
Plant watering system evolved through various stages where primitive irrigation systems possess many drawbacks as it fails to conserve water and human energy. So introducing Automation in it can help us to overcome these drawbacks and pave way to conserve… Read more
Printing Image in GLCD Graphical LCD’s known as GLCD are display devices which are capable of displaying graphical images, customized characters, etc. This paves way for any system to present information to the end user by means of interactive graphics… Read more
Serial Communication tutorial This tutorial focuses to teach you how to program AVR Serial Communication (UART). UART plays an important role in almost every embedded applications which we see in our day to life and hence it was considered to… Read more
Digital Thermometer using Atmega16 Thermometers are the device we use to measure the temperature in any desired scale and we all will be quite familiar with the analog thermometers. There are some disadvantages in analog thermometers and this can be… Read more